Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Pumpkin Seed Oil

I’ve done some reading about the health benefits (or potential health benefits) of pumpkin seed oil. It can (maybe) slow down hair loss. It is good (maybe) for your skin, for eye health and heart health.

But really, I got a bottle of the stuff in a fancy condiment store, so I was more interested in how and what I could cook with it.

It has an unmistakable roasted-pumpkin seed-nutty flavor. It’s expensive too.

On the other hand, a small amoiunt can make all the difference to salad dressing, on top of roasted vegetables, into vegetable or hearty meat soup and so on.

One of the best recipes I’ve tried: roasted Brussels Sprouts with a dressing that includes a bit of pumpkin seed oil. Think this dish for Sukkot or Thanksgiving.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Pumpkin Seed Oil

  • 2 dozen medium-large Brussels sprouts (about one pound)

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 2 thick scallions, chopped

  • 1 large clove garlic, finely chopped

  • 1/4 teaspoon Aleppo pepper (or crushed red pepper; or use a sprinkle of ground cayenne pepper)

  • salt

  • 1-1/2 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil

Preheat the oven to 400 degreesF. Wash the Brussels sprouts, then cut them in half (if very large, cut into quarters). Place them on a baking sheet. Pour the olive oil over the sprouts and toss the vegetable to coat all surfaces. Scatter the scallion and garlic over the sprouts. Sprinkle with Aleppo pepper and salt to taste. Roast for about 20 minutes, turning the sprouts once or twice, or until the vegetable is browned and there are some crispy leaves. Remove from the oven, spoon into a serving dish and drizzle the pumpkin seed oil over the sprouts.

Makes 4 servings